A Christmas Carol

(Opening Act 1 Scene 3. Narration)

Excerpt from 'A Christmas Carol.' Munich - Gaastag Theatre. Opening Act 1 Scene 3. Company Narration

Bob  Cratchitt:             

Fog spread through the streets, the arteries of the great city, like a disease, a creeping sickness corrupting and blackening every organ, leaving the stricken metropolis coughing and gasping for breath.

Carol Singer 1:             

Freezing and cantankerous it roamed the dim alleyways and hung in the gloomy stairwells in search of unwilling playmates, victims of the fog’s great trick to whom every familiar building was now a looming nightmare of angles and darkness and every well-trod walkway a place of immeasurable danger.  

Carol Singer 2:             

The distant shouts of folk hallooing through the blanket of dreary damp became oddly distorted by its sullen density, their optimistic greetings becoming screeches and feral cries...


...so that the sound seemed to take on the form of a hungry bird of prey, now hovering, now flapping, now swooping down to perch and lurk in the grimy corners and greasy yards, as if waiting to devour the spirit of Christmas revellers lurching blindly to their homes.

Ebenezer Scrooge:     

And through this mournful melancholy of a landscape marched Scrooge. Icy, Indomitable, unreachable and resolute in his misery. Hard as the stone that surrounded him and cold as the fog that writhed around his dank and ashen soul.




A Little Patch of Ground